Privacy Policy

At Funkyapa,we are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and disclose information about you when you visit our website or use our services.

Information we collect

When you visit our website, we collect certain information about your device, including your IP address, browser type, and operating system. We also collect information about how you use our website, such as the pages you visit and the links you click.

When you make a purchase on our website, we collect your name, email address, shipping address, and payment information. We use this information to fulfill your order and communicate with you about your purchase.

How we use your information

We use the information we collect to provide and improve our services, process transactions, and communicate with you. We may also use your information to send you promotional offers and marketing communications, but you can opt out of receiving these emails at any time.

We do not share your information with third parties, except for service providers who help us process payments and fulfill orders. We may also disclose your information if required by law or to protect our rights or the rights of others.

Your rights

You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information at any time. You can also opt out of receiving marketing communications from us by following the instructions in our emails.


We use cookies to collect information about how you use our website and to personalize your experience. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit a website. They allow us to remember your preferences and provide you with relevant content and offers.

We use both session cookies, which expire when you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which remain on your device until they expire or you delete them.

You can control the use of cookies on our website through your browser settings. However, disabling cookies may limit your ability to use certain features of our website.


We take the security of your personal information seriously and use industry-standard measures to protect it from unauthorized access or disclosure.

We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt your sensitive information during transmission. Your payment information is processed by a secure third-party payment processor, and we do not store your credit card information on our servers.

We also use firewalls and other security measures to prevent unauthorized access to our servers and databases.

However, no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is completely secure. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Changes to this policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and we encourage you to review it periodically.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at

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